Over $2.92 Trillion was printed by the U.S Federal Reserve, thanks Jerome Powell!

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Three weeks ago, I made $125k from an $18k investment in Tesla call options, over 691% return on investment!
You might think this is not normal, and you'd be right.
But this year, returns like mine are easily possible.
With the hyper-parabolic rise in the Stock Market, options traders are making out like bandits with billions of dollars of profits being made in call options in the last 4 months alone.
Thanks to the U.S Federal Reserve, stock market investors can sleep soundly at night.
Long term stock market bulls were shoved cash down their throats by the U.S Federal Reserve, and they enjoyed every bit of it. I also profited handsomely from the corona market dip. Thank you Jerome Powell (chairman of U.S Fed).

S&P 500 went from $2,237 to $3,500 during a pandemic, a 56% rise.